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Bethel Church, Redding, California |
Getting There
A Backstory
First thing you need to know about me is that I felt called to be a worship leader for years now.
Its not something I wanted.
I remember standing in my shower years ago and praying. I specifically remember saying "God. I don't want to be a worship leader. I'm ok with leading songs here and there, but I don't want to lead."
In that moment, I'm sure that God chuckled at me. Because He has, in fact called me to lead. He calls us all to something. Its our choice to say "Yes". Somewhere along the way, along this process, I said, "Yes".
And so it began. The desire, the passion began to deepen. Its been a process. A long one. And its still going, but that's not what this post is about. That's a story for another time.
I visited Christ For The Nations for a campus days with a friend of mine and found myself wanting to attend. I didn't know how though, because I was a single, working mom at the time and going there would require a move away from family and friends. I just didn't know how that would be possible.
From that moment on, the desire to go to a worship school was birthed. But I just handed it over to God. And trusted that it would happen. In His time. And if it never happened, I was okay with that too.
And The Story Goes On
Years go by. Literally. The desire for school has never left, but as I stated already, I was okay with where I was and knew God had it under control.
I'm sitting at my table with my good friend, and fellow worship leader, Jackie, and we're talking about worship. About our hearts for worship. What we wanted the Lord to do through us and in us. To lead His people into His Presence. The subject of worship school comes up and we talked about both of our desires to go. I told her that if I could go anywhere, I'd want to go to Bethel in Redding, California. I didn't know if they even had a worship school. I was just in love with the worship that had been coming out of that church. Powerful, anointed. Amazing.
I want to say it was within that same week, the same friend texted me and said that Bethel had a worship school that was two weeks long. I was surprised..and that was DO-able!
I looked it up and sure enough, there it was. Coming up in a matter of months. Now, what do I do with this information? I started praying about it. I mentioned it to my husband, whose initial reaction was what I thought it'd be. He wasn't completely on board at first. But said he would pray about it too. While it was do-able, it still would require a huge sacrifice on my part. Leaving three children and a husband for two weeks. Leaving family who would have to help out with watching my children too.
And so I prayed that God would make a way. He knew how much I wanted to go. I would cry every time I would think about it. I knew that going would change my life forever.
I asked my friend, Amie, an amazing prayer warrior, to pray about it with me. And it was like she got an answer right away. And it was a "Yes"! My reaction? You guessed it. I cried.
I only told a few people about it and I was sitting and chatting with my friend Dayna. She had just come home from a missions trip and we were hanging out at my house. She was actually showing me the ropes on the whole blogging thing.
You can check out Dayna's blog here.
I told her about BSW (Bethel School of Worship) and she said, point blank, that it seemed I'd already gotten my answer about going and her only question was when I was going to fill out the application. To which I replied, "Um. Now?"
A Valentine's Day Surprise
My husband and I headed out for a date the day after Valentine's Day. I checked my email and saw an email my pastor had sent, letting me know he had sent off the pastoral recommendation. I also noticed an email from someone from BSW and my heart did a flip flop.
I had been accepted to BSW! It was starting the end of June, giving me four months to make arrangements.
My husband was totally behind me, my family supported me, and my friends and my church were backing me.
Down to the Details
Within a matter of days, I was connected with girls whom I didn't know. In fact, we were scattered all over the world. From Texas to Germany and Norway, the seven of us connected and made housing arrangements.
There's a woman in my church, Ginger, who owns a salon. She offered to let me host a bake sale to raise money to cover funds for school. I was a wreck that day. The enemy began to attack me, telling me that I didn't have any business going to BSW. I wasn't good enough...blah blah blah. My best friend, Brittany and I went, with lots of baked goods, and not only sold almost everything, but I received donations. An amazing donation that left me speechless. My tuition was covered.
And I was GOING!
So that gives you the story, the process, of me getting to Bethel School of Worship. In my next post, I'll talk about being there, the people I met, the experiences, encounters, I had there.
Until then!
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