Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Penny's Worth

  Penny for your thoughts?

At the end of my incredible experience at Bethel School of Worship this summer, we were given a gift. Something that would hold significance to each of us. Something we'd always remember and treasure. 

A penny.

You may be asking, "Huh?". At first, I think all of us were too. 

A penny holds almost no value, right? Its just one cent. It basically doesn't even count. We pass by them on the ground daily. How often do you actually pick up a penny? Yet, if we see silver money or a dollar bill, we're quick to pick it up and pocket it. 

Pennies are overlooked at times. Most pennies are tarnished, dirty. So it hides the beauty that a brand new penny holds. 

Someone once asked a millionaire how he did it. How he became a millionaire. His reply? One penny at a time. I don't know if this story is true, but it brings home a truth that we all need to realize.

We represent the penny. We think, so many times that we are insignificant. We don't matter. There's little to no value that we carry. We feel overlooked. We feel like a penny.

Pennies matter. Pennies hold value. 

YOU hold value. You matter. Your life is valuable and it means something. God made us, each with a purpose. He designed us to be different. No matter what your talent or gifting is (and everyone has talents and giftings), it holds such a high value when it comes to the Kingdom. 

We all feel insignificant at times. We feel overlooked. Unappreciated. 

God takes us in His hand, and cleans us. Like the dirty, tarnished penny, He makes us brand new. A clean, new penny. You are never overlooked by Him. He sees the beauty in you. When He looks at us, He sees us as He created us to be. 

I'm reminded of lyrics to a song, "Moving Forward". 

You make all things new, yes
You make all things new
and I will follow You forward

He's made you new. He gives us worth. Will you follow Him to where He leads? Will you recognize your own worth? 

Will you look at a penny the same? 


  1. So good...I hold value. I once read in "The Gospel of Yes" by Mike Glenn, that the value of a thing is in what someone is willing to pay for it. When it is all and said and done, Jesus paid an immeasurable price for us so we must be priceless and precious beyond anything else in this world. Love it!

  2. Absolutely! He gave us worth! Thanks girl!
